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The Use of a Translucent dCHPM Allograft on Bilateral Chronic Ablation Wounds

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A Translucent Dehydrated Complete Human Placental Membrane (dCHPM) Allograft

Enverse allografts are designed to be used as a wound covering or barrier membrane over chronic and acute wounds. Through the patented Clearify® technology, all three layers of the native placental membrane (amnion, intermediate layer, and chorion) are retained. The native layers are never separated during processing, which allows for optimal preservation of key structural proteins and components.1

Compact format
Thicker than the competitor graft1,2
Translucent for increased application site visibility
Retains key structural components & proteins1

Case Reports

The Use of a Translucent dCHPM Allograft on Bilateral Chronic Ablation Wounds

A 60-year-old female with multiple comorbidities presented with bilateral chronic wounds originating from an ablation procedure. Both wounds saw more than 60% area reduction after 8 applications of dCHPM and continued to progress to closure with additional weekly applications.
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Anterior Lumbar Two-Level Fusion with Placement of Translucent dCHPM Allograft

A 52-year-old patient underwent an Anterior L3-L4 & L4-L5 fusion with placement of a translucent dCHPM allograft as a barrier membrane.
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Common Clinical Applications

Procedure Types*†
  • Amputations
  • Diabetic Ulcers
  • Hysterectomies
  • Lumbar & Cervical Fusions
  • Myomectomies
  • Pressure Ulcers
  • Surgical Wounds
  • Tendon & Ligament Repairs
  • Traumatic Wounds
  • Venous Ulcers
*Enverse is intended to be used as a wound covering or barrier membrane.
†Enverse complements standard of care as a barrier membrane following primary repair or closure.
  • General Surgery
  • Infectious Disease
  • Orthopedics
  • Plastic Surgery
  • Podiatry
  • Spine
  • Urology
  • Vascular Surgery

Common Anatomical Applications

Sizes & SKUs

Size 15 mm disk 2 x 3 cm 4 x 4 cm 4 x 6 cm 6 x 8 cm
SKU EN-0015 EN-2030 EN-4040 EN-4060 EN-6080

Sheet Format  |  Shelf-stable for up to five (5) years

Related Resources

1. Data on file.

2. Data is compared to the leading dual-layer allograft.

3. De Silva, G. S., Saffaf, K., Sanchez, L. A., & Zayed, M. A. (2018). Amputation stump perfusion is predictive of post-operative necrotic eschar formation. American journal of surgery, 216(3), 540–546.

4. Frykberg RG, Banks J. Challenges in the Treatment of Chronic Wounds. Adv Wound Care (New Rochelle). 2015 Sep 1;4(9):560-582. doi: 10.1089/wound.2015.0635. PMID: 26339534; PMCID: PMC4528992.

5. Winkley, K., Sallis, H., Kariyawasam, D., Leelarathna, L. H., Chalder, T., Edmonds, M. E., Stahl, D., & Ismail, K. (2012). Five-year follow-up of a cohort of people with their first diabetic foot ulcer: the persistent effect of depression on mortality. Diabetologia55(2), 303–310. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00125-011-2359-2

6. Jeyaraman, K., Berhane, T., Hamilton, M., Chandra, A. P., & Falhammar, H. (2019). Mortality in patients with diabetic foot ulcer: a retrospective study of 513 cases from a single Centre in the Northern Territory of Australia. BMC endocrine disorders19(1), 1. https://doi.org/10.1186/s12902-018-0327-2

7. Amadou, C., Carlier, A., Amouyal, C., Bourron, O., Aubert, C., Couture, T., Fourniols, E., Ha Van, G., Rouanet, S., & Hartemann, A. (2020). Five-year mortality in patients with diabetic foot ulcer during 2009-2010 was lower than expected. Diabetes & metabolism46(3), 230–235. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.diabet.2019.04.010

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